Warren graduated from Division Avenue in 1960 and has survived 50 years of the road not taken. His pathless path has led him to Mill Valley, just north of San Francisco. The following is his email received today.
The Mark Twain line, "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco" holds. It's gorgeous green to look at, and/but there's fog rolling over the mountains every morning until about 11:00, and the temperatures run about 60-75. Last night I went to the Throckmorton Theatre in downtown Mill Valley and saw the every Tuesday night comedy show, Mark Pitta & Friends, with surprise guest Richard Lewis (the biggies come here to try out new material). 3 out of the 4 comedians were terrific. Lewis's best line about MV and its inhabitants was about how proud the parents were when their child said his first word: Rissoto.
Tonight I have a ticket to see the Met's film production of Franco Zefferelli's production of Puccini's Turandot, at the Sequoia Theatre... around the corner from the central park, anchored by the "Book Depot" coffee bar and flanked by Whole Foods, featuring grayed male chess players, 30-something backgammonites, 50&60-something women apres yoga class discussing their fav' plastic surgeons and bemoaning Obama gone flacid, and a few 18-20-somethings with spiked hair and carefully torn jeans, mellowed out on marijuana and staring into their privileged trust-fund nothingness. In short, a compressed, picture-perfect, year-round, left-wing Hamptons, that god nestled between Muir Woods and Sausalito, just 9 miles across the Golden Gate Bridge to San Francisco. I lived here from 1986-90 and the biggest change I notice today is that pizza has been replaced by flatbread... with goat cheese and fennel sausage.
1 comment:
Thank you Frank for publishing my scribblings, and for correcting my attribution of the "...summer in San Francisco" line, from WC Fields to Mark Twain or more likely to "unknown." Also, Mill Valley's park is flanked by the independently owned Mill Valley Market, rather than Whole Foods.
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