In a December 2004 class newsletter published by Frank Barning, Steve Mohr wrote....
One of the great memories of that time was the scout troop that some of us belonged to. It would meet each Friday night in the school basement. There were several patrols within the troop, each with a patrol leader. My patrol leader was none other than Tommy Paturzo. I see from his photo that he still is one, and very good at it I'm sure. I wonder if he remembers the Panther patrol of troop 322 or the night while standing at attention for a long time on a hot summer night, passing out and splitting his chin open on the basement floor STILL at attention. Thanks to his unselfish sacrifice, we all got to sit down.
The next 6 years at DAHS has to be the greatest time of my life. The best teachers, namely Mr Chenevey who said to me when we first met, “You have a lot to live up to Mohr.” He had my sisters before me and they were smart. Anyway I stayed in his classes all throughout and did well, thanks to Lilette Levy doing my homework. Mr. Keating and Miss Eisenhauer also played a big part in hammering things into my thick skull.
As graduation neared I learned that I was accepted at Cornell, but in my great wisdom I thought it better to stay with my girlfriend and continue to work at Charlie’s gas station on
Senior year was most memorable and our lunch table was one for the record. There was Arnie Mark, Kenny Ganim, crazy Warren Zaretsky and myself. One day we dared
After graduation life shot past faster than a speeding bullet, and I'm sure I am not alone in that reflection. After a brief tumultuous marriage, the light finally went on, although dimly. I relocated in California where my family had moved years earlier, met and married the most wonderful, giving, "patient" girl, and for 37 years have known how and what a marriage is supposed to be. We have raised 4 great kids who all live within 100 miles or so. Close but not too close, if you know what I mean.
In the middle of all this I earned a commercial pilots certificate, bought a small plane and did some free lance commercial flying. Got interested in sailing and built a 55ft. ketch cruising yacht in our back yard. After 7 years, we launched “The Linda Marie”. We lived aboard her for more than a decade and sailed to
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