Blue Dragons...why do we have this nickname?
Do you have recollection of how Division came up with Blue Dragons as a nickname? To me the name did not seem appropriate. A couple of old school friends suggested that the class of 1960 voted on this during junior high because our class would be the first to graduate. We may have been given choices to vote on, but who created the choices?
The late Ken Kemmer, class of 1960, was the first to wear a Blue Dragons costume at sports events. He was a varsity cheerleader. Was there a nickname you might have preferred?
How some of us picked a foreign language to study
Tim Lavey 1963
I took 5 years of Latin and 2 years of French. There was an 8th grade Latin class which June Johnson reminds me was called "Conversational Latin" whatever that meant. It was taught by Ms. McGuigan, a no-nonsense 5 ft. ball of fire, but she sure was a good teacher. I took Latin because I was told it would help one understand the derivation of many English words. I've found that to be true throughout life. As far as French is concerned, I had a Mr. Creed for French I and Kalinowski for French II.
Larry Bory 1960
I chose Latin because my dad told me it would improve writing English. Then I took German because many science papers were in German. Dumb choices both for learning to speak another language .
Bill Stanley 1960
Picking a foreign language was a no brainer for me as all my friends spoke English.
Susan Weldon 1960
I have absolutely no memory of why I chose to take French, but I'm glad I did. I adored Thad Kal (Thaddeus Kalinowski). He was so expressive. I can still hear him saying "deux points" as he jabbed the air with his pointer and middle fingers while we practiced for the dictation section of the regents exam. I'm still amazed that I can watch a French film and only occasionally glance at the sub titles.
Interesting Levittown links and one for old Brooklyn
Levittown Historical Society
Levittown Memorial High School Class of 1961
Brooklyn Memories
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