Wouldn't it has been fun to have voted on the following?
Biggest brown noser:
Most likely to tell a teacher "Our dog ate my homework":
Most likely to start a food fight in the cafeteria:
Most likely to be sent to Assistant Principal Aiello's office:
Most likely to be pictured on a milk carton:
Most likely to become a bookie:
Most likely to become a millionaire:
Most likely to marry a millionaire:
Least likely to succeed:
Most likely to move to Canada to avoid the draft:
Most likely to have a sex-change operation:
Most likely to eat the most lunch:
Most likely to steal your lunch money:
Most likely to attend religious services just to meet members of the opposite sex:
Most likely to be incarcerated:
Most likely to steal cosmetics from Mays:
Yes, that's my picture on the milk carton.....Frank Barning.
Hi Frank,
Id like to nominate myself for "least likely to succeed". My greatest academic accomplishment was doing as little as possible to get a "C" or "65" in our days to just barley pass, thus avoiding an ass kicking from my dad. I knew that if I passed the regents exam at the end of the year I would be given a passing grade. I received my Regents diploma along with all the other classmates who worked so hard in the classroom. If Mr Reggio hadnt insisted on me taking Biology I wouldn't have done it. He told my mom I was just lazy. I only took classes that my buddy Jay Citrin ( 60) had taken the year before so I would steal his work. The only novels I ever read where in the form of a Classic Comic books and my "prose and poety" book never got cracked open. My only saving grace was knowing I couldn't get lower then a "55" thus allowing me to get a "75" the next quarter and having a passing grade average.
It was years later that with the help of the G.I Bill I was able to go to college and get a degree.
JIm Anton
D.A.H.A.S 61
Great stuff, Frank. You have always been witty with the pen (and keyboard).
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