May 17, 2011

1955 Northside School, Mr. H. Kazenoff's fourth grade class

click on photo to enlarge

First row: Jay Barabash, Irene Kuhn, Leon Gussow, Alfred Reggrio

Second row: x, Bill Dineen, Lee Cummings, Ted Robertson, Ron Porter

Third row: Raymond Yaw, Paul Shiffman, Patricia Gomez, Fred Parisi

Fourth row: x, x, Jerry Gippetti, Ron Area, George Walling, x

Fifth row: Diane Dehne, Joseph Batewell, Michael Sullivan, Tom Filiberto

Standing: Elaine Castro, x, Mr. Kazenoff, Fern Klotz, John Petrontoni


Photo courtesy of Tom Filiberto. Several of these kids graduated from Division Avenue High School along with Tom in 1963. Some of the other 1963 grads attended Summit Lane School for fourth grade. Bill Dineen is deceased.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Mr Kazenooff! Even as a 5th grader (1961) I sensed that I was in the presence of a wise and deep man. 4th grade I had Mr. Goldstein, a guy's guy, rough and tumble, enthusiastic, fun, a jock and a pilot in the Air Force Reserve! And then, Kazenoff, the yin to Goldstein's yang, quiet, gentle, generous of spirit taught me much about human heart.
    Two great teachers (at least through a little kid's eye.)
