June 1, 2011

Part 3 - Photos of DAHS graduates when they were children

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This is the third in a series of posts featuring pictures of Division Avenue High School graduates when they were children..

Depicted are:

*June Johnson '63 age three still lives on Long Island and is a world traveler.

*Carol Binninger (right) '64 with her cousin Ginny Robson '64 in 1951. Carol purchased the Levittown house (15 Quiet Lane) in which she grew up.

*Bette Connah, class of 1961 age two or three. She lives in New Jersey and graduated from Stony Brook University Magna Cum Laude.

*Karen Biro '60 in 1945. She lives in Florida. Can anyone identify the automobile that dwarfs little Karen?

*Artie Kornfeld '60. He lives in Florida. Google Artie to learn about his incredible career in music.


  1. The car may be a ford, c. 1933, they had greyhound hood ornaments.

  2. Jim Ayres class of 1963 wrote...
    The car that 'dwarfs' Karen Biro in the pic is some kind of huge Jaguar. Had a Jag a few cars ago and recall that hood ornament well. I would say it's from the mid-late 1930's, but not really sure. I'll forward it and get my bro John on it -- he's a real car buff.
