June 3, 2011

Part 4 - Photos of DAHS graduates when they were children

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This is the fourth in a series of posts featuring pictures of Division Avenue High School graduates when they were children.

Depicted are:

* Frank Barning '60 age 2 or 3, so around 1944 or 1945. Dad was away helping to win World War II.

* Toni Crescenzo Gelfer '68 playing first base in 1954 or 1955. Move over Moose Skowron.

* Marilyn Monsrud Frese '63 in front of the family rental at 45 Cornflower Road in 1948.

* Kathy Stahlman '63 in 1955 with her cookies.

* Cliff '60 and Michelle Fromm '63 in 1952 or 1953. They were the Donnie and Maria of early Levittown, before there was a Donnie and Marie.


  1. Toni Gelfi wrote: "Loved these...you look like your profile picture...the cookies, priceless..Marilyn beautiful, as always...and the Fromm's are right out of Life magazine.."

  2. I had the same haircut as Frank did! Used that greasy kid stuff...surprised I still have hair!!
