June 8, 2011

Part 6 - Photos of DAHS graduates when they were children

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This is the sixth in a series of posts featuring pictures of Division Avenue High School graduates when they were children.

Depicted are:

* Frank Barning, class of 1960, at age two.

* Vivian Barning, age two in Brooklyn. She is not a Levittown girl, but she is your blogger's squeeze.

* Marilyn Monsrud (left) 1963 and her friend Linda Morris going off to kindergarden in 1951.

* Franne Newman, class of 1960, at age three.

* Tom Filiberto, class of 1963, at age two and a half, at a New York City park water fountain.

1 comment:

  1. Marilyn Monsrud FreseJune 9, 2011 at 6:12 AM

    Hey Frank...you and Vivian looked like a 'couple' even back then!!!! Note the similarity in the clothing too. What get photos of you both!
