July 12, 2011

Vintage photos of Division Avenue High School kids

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Shown here are:

* Reading his Kid Colt comic book is Warren Zaretsky class of 1960 at age eight.

* Roslyn Haberman class of 1961 at age eight in 1952.

* Howard Whidden class of 1962 at Christmas in 1956. He had just turned 11 (on the 23rd), with his favorite present, lead soldiers.

* John Fitzsimmons, class of 1961 in 1961. John was a really good baseball player so he probably knows that in 1961, Roger Maris of the New York Yankees hit 61 homers to break Babe Ruth's record.

* A view of street (Boat Lane) in the early years, approximately 1952. That's Marilyn Monsrud, class of 1963, on the left in the nifty hat with her best friend and next door neighbor, Linda Morris.

1 comment:

  1. Warren Zaretsky, whose photo appears here, wrote:

    Awwww shucks. If I knew then what I know now, I would've been even more devilish.
