December 23, 2011

The favorite holiday songs of the famous Levittown Mickey

Dressed for the season is Mickey, who lives in Levittown and is the companion of Marilyn Monsrud Frese, class of 1963. He is a three and a half year-old Yorkie.

How did Marilyn get Mickey to pose like this? "I put a red blanket on an armchair, then wedged the wreath in between the arms. Then I dropped Mickey in between the blanket and wreath and just talked to him so he would look at me. He really is quite cooperative."

These are his favorite holiday songs:

10. Grandma Got Run Over by a Rottweiler

9. We Three Canines

8. Oh! Holy Fire Hydrant!

7. Duke, the Red-Nosed Doberman

6. Sniffing Around the Christmas Tree

5. Jingle Bones

4. Wreck the Halls

3. I Saw Mommy Licking Santa Claus

2. Away in a Dog House

1. All I Want for Christmas is My Two Chew Toys

1 comment:

  1. Marilyn Monsrud FreseDecember 23, 2011 at 8:08 AM

    OMG Frank!!! You are too FUNNY! Thanks for the great laugh... from both me and Mickey- who has a bed on my computer desk right here next to me! Happy Holidays to you and all of your readers!!!
