December 19, 2011

Some old photos of Division Avenue grads who moved to Florida; many Levittowners have migrated to the Sunshine State

John Sanzone, class of 1960, passed away on December 12. Here he is shown during his high school days playing guitar in Peter Antonio's band which was popular in Levittown. The photo is courtesy of Tom Paturzo Baker. John, a dental technician who lived in Melbourne FL, was a Vietnam veteran who had served in the US Navy.

Louise Nicolosi, class of 1960, in the summer of 1947. Louise now lives in and totally enjoys Florida. She has lived in Belleview for almost four years.

"Some things never change," says Lynn Smith-Dos Santos (1964) about her husband Larry (1964) playing baseball in his backyard, circa 1955, with his Dad in the background. He lived on Albatross Lane. " Larry can still be seen on any given day here in Venice, in the same pose, playing on the Venice FL. Senior Softball League. I call them The boys of perpetual summer.”

Karen Biro Hewson, class of 1960, in a 1945 photo. She has lived in Stuart, Florida for 17 years and does not miss snow.


  1. Bob Castro, class of 1960 . . .

    It was way too early and I feel sorry for Judy, she lived the fairy tale that most girls can only dream about.

  2. Tom Paturzo Baker, class of 1960 . .

    I am so sorry...what a loss. I really enjoyed John as a friend. He was a very sincere person and I feel so sorry for Judy. I really cared about him and am shocked to hear the sad news. He was so kind and sad.

  3. The choice of ALL schools was downright bizarre. I moved from Northside's area after 4th grade to Pinetree Lane, near Newbridge Rd. I & about 6 of my neighbors were bussed to Wisdom Lane for 5th grade . Then we walked to Summit lane for 6th, & DAHS 7-12. I recall being angry that Geore Vine who lived around the corner on Blue Spruce went to Northside-- I wondered why I couldn't. And in 5th gradae about 30 students were from "Forest City" south of Jerusalem rd-- I don't think it'
    s Levittown.

    Also later, if a student was taking electronics, (given only @ DAHS @ 7AM) he came to DAHS regardless where he lived. This began in 1959-a reaction to Sputnik. (Too bad ball players don't like electronics.) DAHS could have been a power!
