By Arnie Galeota
After living in a foreign country for six months I was ready to come home. In
With all that said there is still so much more to enjoy in this country of ours. All the state of the art technology, the many amusement parks, the huge following of many sports here, the beautiful national parks and various landscapes from waterways to mountains to cities to farms and so much more. The biggest cultural difference is their priorities vs. ours. Here it's to make money and use it to make more money and finally to spend it on materialistic things and vacations. Education there is a priority which they take very seriously.
The biggest culture shock to me was their sense of getting along with one another, how friendly they are to everyone and how patient with those of us who didn't speak their language very well. I never expected that. I rarely saw anyone lose their temper. I was out of my comfort zone in
It's great being back in
1 comment:
I had a similar experience in Costa Rica for 2 months... I loved it, but 2 or 3 months a year would be perfect, not permanent residency. --Warren Z
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