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Dewain Lanfear 1960 yearbook editor, clears up some conjecture in the previous blog entry: The true story is that voting took place in homerooms - all seniors who cared to, voted. No nominees were presented, it was totally open ended. The votes were tallied by a committee of teachers (this is where the chance for abuses comes in). I saw the tallies in my role with the yearbook. As far as I know the process was pretty legit. The process was up and up even though that thought is a disappointment to our blogger. The media loves a scandal.
Alice Nutini Pecoraro 1961: About my art career such as it is and it isn't much. I have always loved to draw and paint. My career was being an R.N. That took most of my time and energy with not much left for painting. I retired three years ago and now paint a lot. I belong to a studio in Greenport, way out east on Long Island's north fork. I show there and am the member of the month with 10 pictures up. Not much sells. I also make jewelry and sell that in the gallery. I will never be rich I'm afraid, but have enough to keep me happy. Eight grandchildren keep me from being lonely.
Louise Nicolosi Hayn 1960: When asked where I am from, I always say "Originally from NY but Florida is my home." I recently spent three weeks in NY and as much as I loved being with my daughter, I was happy to get back home. NY was cold and dreary and I returned to sunshine and warmth. Best move I ever made...now if only I could convince my daughter to eventually move down here, life would be perfect."
Len Sandok 1963: I always say "I'm from Levittown". My family left the Bronx when I was in 5th grade. I was too young to have any ties to it. I had great memories of the Yankees and the Stadium, but it was rough there and I hated walking to school. I started living in Levittown. I had my first girlfriend there. I bought my first car there. (I paid $35 for it. Then bought a radio from a junk yard for another $10, but that is another story,) When I go back to NY, I always try to visit Levittown, never try to go back to the Bronx.
Susan Padgett Termini 1962: "When asked where I am from, I always say Levittown. I was born in Brooklyn, lived there till I was 5 years old and went back there at 22 years of age. I met my husband there, got married there, had my first child there and then moved back to Long Island...where I still am, 40 years later.
The place I call home now is the place my husband and I are comfortable in and always happy to return to. At this point in my life, my heart is where my grandchildren are! But if I really dig down deep, home is where my fondest memories are and that, hands down, has to be Levittown!"
Merilee Flamm Kubart 1961: I say I'm from Long Island.....Levittown, Long Island. Even though we've lived in SE Pennsylvania for two years now, we'll always be Long Islanders at heart.
Roya Aviva Sitkoff Harel 1961: I moved to Israel right after high school and have been living here ever since. Started college but then got married and raised a wonderful family, daughter 46 and son 43 and have five grandkids. My son lives and works in Minneapolis and is a Professor of Neuroscience who does brain research. My daughter lives in a town not too far from me and she and her husband have three, boys 23, 18 and 17. In spite of all the negative publicity lately, Israel is a great country and I never regretted for a second that I chose to live here.
Mj LeVan 1960 (known as Mary Jane Stevens in high school): I attended Mt St Vincent University in Halifax. I had a cousin who went there and had visited her when I was a young teen. My mother insisted that I go to a Catholic women's school if I wanted to go away to college. I think that Halifax was as far as I could get from my overbearing mother! Then I attended grad school at Dalhousie in Nova Scotia.
Yes, it was very cold and damp, but interesting because of all the foreign students and experiencing the Separatist Movement (when French people in Quebec wanted to separate from Canada and form a separate country) firsthand. I still have many close friends from college there. We had lots of Americans or Yanks, as they called us. The singer Ann Murray was a student there and a friend. She used to sing with her guitar for us in the Smoker (student lounge). I also ran into Donny and Ronny Albaum from my high school class at a frat party at Dalhousie once. They were in school there as well.
Frank, thanks for the picture of Dewain Lanfear. I had him as a substitute my junior or senior year..I think he was headed to VietNam(but I'm not sure). I know that he spent many years in the district along with many of my former teachers and several classmates and friends. Just never saw him with a full head of hair before !!!
Dewain Lanfear emailed to your blogger: Yes about Viet Nam. Those early years as a sub were a lot of fun - a different challenge every day. We ( I cleared the way, but students had all the ideas and expertise) made a "famous" movie, "For Whom the Torch Burns" that got a lot of publicity and was a memorable class project. Many stories came out of the making of that film. Good times.
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