March 27, 2011

1952 Northside School: Mr. Langan's fourth grade class

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Front row: Ray Wenz, Jim Tucker, Ann Hoffman
Second row: x. Maryann McNally, Cliff Fromm, Sharon Dumas
Third row: Sharon Kivowitz, Margaret O'Pray, Ken Hollwedel, Beth Cummings
Forth row: Connie Drakos, Jeanne Hurley, Bob Castro, Pat Moore
Fifth row: Margery Fisher, x, Jerry Bonima, Sherry Kruger
Back row, standing: x, Jerry Cohen, Louie Lopez, Bruce Garabrant

Also in the photo are Billie Jean Divone (in front of Louie Lopez) and Evie Fielding

Thirteen kids is this class graduated from Division Avenue High School in 1960. Sadly, Ray Wenz, Bruce Garabrant and Louie Lopez are no longer with us.

Photo courtesy of Beth Cummings


Marilyn Monsrud Frese said...

Cliff Fromm and Beth Cummings...I could pick you out right away! Pat Moore- 4th row, right end...what is going on with your SLEEVES??? I don't remember EVER seeing that style- but it must have been around. Remember how all us girls HAD to wear skirts to school- pants were not allowed! With those stupid GARTER BELTS to hold up our stockings! And fixing 'runs' with clear nail polish??? And we still had stockings with SEAMS up the backs...which now it seems that only the 'ladies of the evenings" wear! imagine how great it would have been to wear jeans and sneakers to school every day instead of skirts and stockings! Tough riding a bike to school in those skirts...either tightly fitted slim skirts or full skirts with lots of crinolines, as many as we could get under the full skirts!! And remember the socks we wore? The more pairs of socks you could get on your feet, the better! We all looked like we had CASTS on our ankles, and they made our shoes so TiGHT! And our quilted full skirts and poodle skirts!!! Our styles were so influenced by American bandstand. I remember ironing my COLLARS only on my white cotton shirts- because we only showed our collars under a crew neck sweater- so why iron the whole thing! And the backward cardigans, buttoned up the back with a scarf tied around our necks? Hey, the kids today HAVE NOTHING ON US!!! LOL!

susan weldon said...

marilyn, pat moore died some years ago. we remained close after she moved from levittown and stayed that way until the moment of her death. i'm sending the photo to her kids right now!! those sleeves are crazy!