July 13, 2010

1958 junior varsity baseball team at Division Avenue High

First row: Richie Lohman, Richie Bernhardt, John Reardon, Jack Leahy, Frank Barning.

Second row: Mr. Bob Simes, Steve Patascher, Jim Beebe, Artie Kornfeld, Mike Caldararo, Doug Gibson.

There were no star players in this fine bunch, but it does include a doctor (Doug Gibson) and the co-creator of Woodstock (Artie Kornfeld), plus a policeman (John Reardon) and a teacher (Mike Caldararo). Our coach, Mr. Simes, was a fine math teacher. Note the baggy flannel uniforms.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was the start of a great history of baseball at it's best at DAHS!!!