In the previous two blog posts about Levittown's rocks, Al Smith has been prominently mentioned. Pat Stanley Smith Share is pictured above.
By Pat Stanley Smith Share
Class of 1962
As most of you know, I was married to Al Smith until his death. Yes he was 29, we had three children, ages 1 1/2, 4 and 5, I was 26. It was nice reading the comments about Al and the Rocks and I'm sorry to say I do not remember most of the others, just Al.
When we first met I thought he was very handsome and I was a bit curious about his background. Turns out he was a sweet guy, his language needed some fine tuning and I remember helping him in that area, not cursing as much as bad English, very bad English!
I skipped school, one day, which I really never did, because it was a beautiful day and a few of us wanted to go to Jones Beach and Al asked me to go with him, our first date, I was kind of shocked but flattered and we had a great time, from that point on we stayed together. After about a year we eloped and I think Karen Hogan and Jimmy Witteneben stood up for us. Al had been engaged to another but they had broken up long before we dated, he seemed very mature in the way of life to me and I think that is what I liked about him.
His death was devastating to all of us, his father died not long before Al, he had three surviving siblings two teens and one age ten, his mom, understandably was a wreck. His dad also died of a heart attack. While married to Al I became very close with his family and when his dad died we, Al and I, helped raise his brother and sisters, so at the ages of 20 and 23 we had a pretty big family, he and I had 2 kids and another on the way.
He got a good job with the Long Island Railroad and was working there at the time of his death. After his death I remained close with his family, his brother and younger sister both died very young leaving young children. His remaining sister is still living and we are still close.
Sorry this seems sad but it was what it was. Al was a great husband and dad. As many of you know he was a health nut, didn't drink, no drugs, ate healthy food, worked out, his heart failed him and the rest of us.
Thanks for the nice comments everyone.
Al was a great guy and an example of how looks can be deceiving. He was earnest and sincere and an overall good guy. I went to the gym with Al and always enjoyed his company.
Hey Pat,
loved him too even though my nickname from Al was "##@&% for brains" - remember. Nice story Pat- love
Hi know you won't remember me, I was Terry's friend Myra. I did connect with Lorraine a few years back. Please up-date me on the family, anything you know. I do remember Alan and your family when we were all very young.
Hi know you won't remember me, I was Terry's friend Myra. I did connect with Lorraine a few years back. Please up-date me on the family, anything you know. I do remember Alan and your family when we were all very young.
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