Two members of Division Avenue High School's class of 1960 returned to their alma mater as teachers. Yesterday we featured Jack Ellerkamp, today we get a glimpse of Dewain Lanfear, including a recent picture and photos from the 1960 and 1975 yearbooks.
Graduated from Boston College. Had a "President's" scholarship from BC for full tuition.
Served in the United States Army and was commissioned as a 2nd Lt. from ROTC when he graduated. Served on active duty from May 1967 to April 1969, the last year as a Captain in Viet Nam.
Taught English at Division Avenue High School for 18 years and a total of 32 in Levittown.
Retired, does volunteer work, walks the dog, spends time with his grandkids and plays golf.
Lives in Anderson, South Carolina with his wife of 43 years, the former Marti Gold, who also taught at Division Avenue.
Quote from Dewain: WTF just happened?
Susan Gregg, class of 1975
Loved this guy..great teacher
Dewain - It's time for you to pen your first book. Please put me down for a copy. If you write about Mr. Quirk's Cit Ed class,feel free to change my name. Just kidding. That's where I remember you bet and most fondly. Good wishes to you and Marti.
Pat McD
You hit the lottery with a wonderful life. Who knew? Love you, Dad! :)
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