First row: Irene Kuhn, Jay Barabash, Elaine Castro, Leon Gussow, Lynn Golden, Paul Shiffman
Second row: Charles Drakos, Ron Area, x, Fern Klotz, x, Penny Lines, Mickael Sullivan, Diane Dehne, Tom Filiberto
Standing: the late Bill Dineen, Raymond Yaw, Jerry Gippetti, John Petrontoni, x, Ron Porter, x, Joseph Batewell, Ted Robertson, Len Sandok, George Walling, Mr. Clark
This is the sixth and final post of Tom Filiberto's collection of Northside elementary school photos from the 1950s, grades one through six. They have been spread out in our blog over the past two months. It has been an interesting glimpse at how kids were dressed in those days, much less casual than recent years. There was a true sense of pride in how children looked when they were sent off to school on the day of the annual class picture.
Levittown was a somewhat transient community in the early years because many houses were rentals and families, for various reasons, would move away. So there was a coming and going of students, which is probably why so many youngsters in Filiberto's photos are unidentified. This is more so in his earlier class shots.
By 1957 when this picture was taken, the Levittown population was much more stable than a few years earlier because there were relatively few houses for rent. Early Levittown youngsters from families that remained often lost close friends who had moved. Some of those relationships remain even some 50 or more years later, but most were lost forever.
Several of these youngsters in today's photo graduated from Division Avenue High School in Levittown along with Tom in 1963. Some of the other 1963 grads attended Summit Lane School for sixth grade.
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