Before we learned how to drive, children rode their bicycles around the safe streets of Levittown. No one wore helmets, but do you remember any head injuries? Yes, we may have scraped our knees or tore our pants. Occasionally, while not paying attention or showing off, we might bang into a parked car. However, mostly it was reasonably safe to take a spin. Ah, the simple pleasures of our long-lost youth.
Early Levittowners depicted above are:
* Tim Lavey, class of 1963, at age four in Brooklyn in 1949. Biking was safer in Levittown.
* Carol, class of 1964, and sister Kim Binninger '73 in 1958 on Quiet Lane.
* Marilyn Monsrud, class of 1963, giving her sister Susan '65 a ride on a bike with training wheels.
* Leslie Sands Bell, class of 1968, shows off her new ride in 1959. That's her sister Gail (class of 1970) behind her. "Sadly," lamented Gail, "we moved to East Meadow in 1966." Therefore the Sands did not graduate with their friends from Division Avenue High School.
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